Hi, I'm

A nerd who loves coding up unique solutions to problems, and creating fun projects. Here is a space where I can share all about the cool parts of me and my life.

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Featured Projects

Trogdor 2 Game Screenshot

Trogdor 2

A retro-style arcade game where players control a dragon named Trogdor to burn down villages while dodging knights, wizards, and other enemies across increasingly challenging levels. Players must stomp peasants to build up their burnination power, which allows them to destroy houses and face off against powerful boss enemies.

Napoleon Chat Bot Interface

Napoleon Chat Bot

A hilarious AI chatbot that brings Napoleon Bonaparte to life as an unhinged Twitch streamer, combining voice interaction and AI-powered responses to create an experience where the French emperor begs for Prime subscriptions while plotting world conquest.

Project Three Screenshot

MTG Collection Manager

This is a web application for managing a Magic: The Gathering card collection, allowing users to search for cards, view their prices, add them to their collection (in both regular and foil versions), and track the total value of their collection. The site includes user authentication and integrates with the Scryfall API to fetch card data and images.

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