Project Overview
The MTG Collection Manager is a comprehensive web application that helps Magic: The Gathering players track their card collections, monitor card prices, and manage their inventory. Built with modern web technologies, it provides an intuitive interface for searching cards, managing collections, and tracking collection value.
Key Features
- Card search with autocomplete functionality
- Real-time price tracking for regular and foil cards
- User authentication and personal collections
- Total collection value calculation
Technologies Used
- Flask backend with SQLAlchemy
- jQuery for dynamic interactions
- Tailwind CSS for styling
- Scryfall API integration
Technical Implementation
Frontend Features
- Responsive design using Tailwind CSS
- Dynamic card search and filtering
- Real-time price updates
- Smooth animations and transitions
- Interactive card management interface
Backend Architecture
- RESTful API endpoints
- SQLite database with SQLAlchemy ORM
- User authentication system
- Scryfall API integration for card data
- Efficient data caching
Core Components
User Management
- Secure user registration and login
- Personal collection management
- Collection value tracking
- User preference storage
Card Management
- Advanced card search functionality
- Regular and foil version tracking
- Price history monitoring
- Collection statistics
Database Schema
User Model
- Unique username identification
- Secure password storage
- Relationship with card collection
Card Model
- Card identification and metadata
- Price tracking for regular and foil versions
- Set information and card details
- User ownership relationship
Future Enhancements
Planned Features
- Price history graphs and trends
- Deck building functionality
- Collection export/import capabilities
- Advanced filtering and sorting options
Technical Improvements
- Real-time price notifications
- Enhanced caching system
- Mobile app development
- API rate limit optimization